5th ESRC Research Methods Festival, 2-5 July 2012
National Centre for Research Methods organised the 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival, once again at the St Catherine's College in Oxford. The Festival took place on 2-5 July 2012.
Social programme
Festival themes
- The interface between social and natural sciences
- Methodological innovations
- Mixed and multimodal methods
- Career and skills development
- Interventions and evaluations
To see a more detailed description of each session and available presentation slides, please take a look at the Research Methods Festival programme.
Keynote speakers
- Professor Sir John Beddington, Government Office for Science: The challenges of the 21st century - the ineluctable need for multidisciplinarity
- Professor Andrew Abbott, University of Chicago: The vicissitudes of methods
- Professor Gillian Rose, Open University: Now you see it, now you don't - visual culture and visual methods
- Professor Laura Stoker, University of California, Berkeley: Choosing and combining units - common problems in multilevel and cross-temporal research
Photographs from the Festival on FaceBook.