The 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival kicks off next week with delegates set to enjoy the widest range of outstanding research presented at the event to date.
From the latest innovations in research methods, to how British we feel, whether money really makes us happy, the impact of the recession on young people's employment prospects, to how social surveys are collecting important heath measures from participants, this year's Festival has presentations, workshops and discussions on some of the most exciting and cutting-edge research and research methods being undertaken currently in the UK and elsewhere.
The Festival, which takes place from July 2nd-5th at St Catherine's College, Oxford, and is organized by the National Centre for Research Methods, is the biggest to date with nearly 70 events (a mixture of research presentations, workshops, lectures and discussions), and more than 800 delegates attending from all over the world.
Organiser, Rosalind Edwards said: "We are delighted to bring together researchers from higher education and other sectors, and research students from such a wide range of disciplines to share some of the most impactful and important research going on in the UK and elsewhere at the moment. This event just gets more and more popular each year and it's because it is such a unique opportunity to find out about the latest research and the latest methods being employed".