Mixed-Mode Survey Design and Implementation (bookings closed)
23/03/2015 - 25/03/2015
Organised by:
NCRM, University of Southampton
Professor Mick Couper is Research Professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology and Research Professor at the Survey Research Center (SRC), University of Michigan
Dr Annette Jackle is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex, and Research Director of the UK Household Longitudinal Study Innovation Panel
Intermediate (some prior knowledge)
Jacqui Thorp, Training & Capacity Building Administrator, NCRM, University of Southampton
Tel: 02380 594069 Email: jmh6@soton.ac.uk
This course focuses on the design and deployment of mixed-mode surveys (e.g., combining Web surveys with postal or interviewer-administered surveys, or telephone and face-to-face surveys). The course provides an overview of the different approaches to mixed-mode survey design, presents a summary of what is known and not known about mixing survey modes, and offers a set of guidelines to help researchers make decisions about mixing modes of data collection, design survey instruments for mixed-mode surveys, and analyse data from mixed-mode surveys.
The course covers:
- A review of different modes of data collection and their advantages and disadvantages
- An overview of different ways in which modes can be mixed
- A discussion of the terminology of mixed-mode surveys, including concurrent and sequential designs
- A review of the literature on mixed-mode designs, focusing on inferential issues (sampling, coverage and nonresponse) and measurement error issues
- A review of the literature and practical discussion of instrument design issues for mixed-mode surveys
- A discussion of issues regarding the implementation of mixed-mode surveys, including costs
- A discussion of analytic issues in dealing with data from mixed-mode surveys, including weighting
The fee is £90 for all participants.
All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.
Greater London
Survey Research, Survey and Questionnaire Design, Measurement Error, Nonresponse , Small Area Estimation
Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:
Survey Research
Survey and Questionnaire Design
Measurement Error
Small Area Estimation