Qualitative Software Planning Seminar (CAQDAS)



Organised by:

NCRM University of Southampton


Christina Silver, PhD. is manager of the CAQDAS Networking Project (CNP). The CNP provides information, advice and training in a range of software packages designed to facilitate the analysis of qualitative data. She leads the training and capacity building activities of the project and had a lead role in research conducted under the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) funded project Qualitative Innovations in CAQDAS (QUIC). Christina’s particular interests relate to the relationship between technology and methodology and the integration and analysis of non-textual data, using software. She is also co-director of the University of Surrey’s Day Courses in Social Research programme and co-founder of Qualitative Data Analysis Services (QDAS), which provides customised consultancy services for individuals and groups engaged in qualitative and mixed-methods analysis.


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Jacqui Thorp, Training & Capacity Building Administrator, University of Southampton
Tel: 02380 594069
Email: jmh6@soton.ac.uk


View in Google Maps  (M13 9PL)


University of Manchester, Oxford Rd, Manchester


Seminar 9.30am - 1pm

Choosing the appropriate analysis software package is an important part of planning any research project. There are a range of options available, but it is not always easy to visualise exactly what a package offers when exploring it for the first time yourself. Equally when asking someone else for their opinion, it is not always easy to know what questions you should be asking. Most of the software packages, which help the researcher to manage mixed methods projects, are excellent products in one way or several!

This seminar will help you make an informed choice between products.

The course covers:

  • Principles of CAQDAS packages
  • Ways in which CAQDAS packages support qualitative
  • Comparisons between features

 The target audience for this seminar is Postgraduate students, academic/ government researchers, all disciplines


This seminar is free to attend but please register via the link below

Website and registration:

Register for this course


West Midlands


Qualitative Software, ATLAS.ti, Maxqda, NVivo, Transana, Computer Aided Qualitative Analysis Software (CAQDAS)

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Qualitative Software
Computer Aided Qualitative Analysis Software (CAQDAS)

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