Event history analysis



Organised by:

University of Manchester


Prof Ian Plewis


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Claire Spencer, 0161 275 1980, claire.spencer@manchester.ac.uk


View in Google Maps  (M13 9PL)


Basement lab
Cathie Marsh Institute
Humanities Bridgeford street
University of Manchester



Course Description

It is intended that students attending the course will be able to specify and estimate models for different kinds of event history data in discrete and continuous time.  Students new to this kind of data should consider taking the two day CMIST short course running before this one.

The course begins with an explication of, and practical work with models for data collected in discrete time such as the Cox proportional hazards model and a widely used approach via logistic regression. It is followed by extensions to hazard models for repeated episodes and those that account for frailty, again with a practical session. Finally, models for data in continuous time where the focus is on modelling the duration directly are considered, again linked to a practical session.


  1. Explain how to apply Cox proportional hazards models, logistic regression for events in discrete time and binary models for transitions.
  2. Provide hands-on training for 1 using real data.
  3. Show how to extend models to data with more than one episode with reference to the literature on frailty and unobserved heterogeneity.
  4. Provide hands-on training for 3 using real data and showing how to use STATA and MLwiN for related questions.
  5. Introduce models in continuous time such as Weibull regression.
  6. Provide hands-on training for 5 using real data.

This course will run from 10am- 4pm


£30 per day for UK/EU registered students
£60 per day for staff at UK/EU academic institutions, UK/EU Research Councils researchers, UK/EU public sector staff and staff at UK/EU registered charity organisations and recognised UK/EU research institutions.
£220 per day for all other participants.

Website and registration:

Register for this course


North West


Longitudinal Research , Regression Methods, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Event History Analysis, Stata, Cox proportional hazards model , Weibull regression

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Longitudinal Research
Regression Methods
Longitudinal Data Analysis
Event History Analysis

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