RMF18 Sponsorship opportunities
The National Centre for Research Methods is now organising the 8th Research Methods Festival. The festival will take place at the University of Bath, from 3rd to 5th July 2018.
Previous events were highly successful in attracting around 800 visitors. Majority of our attendees are from Higher and Further education sector - staff and students, but the festival also attracts representatives of governmental, private and third sector organisations.
To see pictures from RMF16 please visit our Facebook page.
We offer a number of sponsorship opportunities:
- Exhibition table (3 days) + lunch + 2 delegate passes £800 (a standard price would apply to dinner and accommodation if your delegates would like to stay overnight) (The Festival takes place in The Chancellors' Building and exhibitors' stands are placed in the entry level of The Chancellors' Building and are accessible to all visitors)
- 1 page advert in programme booklet (black & white) £400
- Half page advert in programme booklet (black & white) £200
- Insert in delegate bag £300
- Wine reception sponsor (includes on-site branding, publicity on the event website, publicity in the event programme booklet and mention in the welcome speech at the reception) £1500
If you are interested in sponsoring the Festival please contact Eva Nedbalova (NCRM Communication Manager)