Application for ESRC Bursaries for Training

Please read through the application form carefully before starting to fill it in and make sure you answer all of the starred questions


Personal details
Title *
First name *
Surname *
Job title *
Discipline *
If you have selected 'Other' please enter your discipline
Institution *
If you have a Phd what year was it awarded
Title of your PhD
Full address *
Telephone *
Email *
Details of course to be taken
Title (Full list of courses) *
Location of course *
Date(s) of course *
Please enter the numeric value in pounds only.
Cost of course (£) *
Please explain how the proposed training will be of value in your career: *

  words typed     words left  

Please explain how the training will enhance your own training or supervision: *

  words typed     words left  

If your application is successful, the signature of your Head of Department will be required to process your reimbursement claim.
HoD Name *
HoD Email *