In Conversation

These conversations take the form of a discussion and exploration between two or more people on a particular research method or related topic. So far they have taken place online, video recorded and made available via NCRM’s YouTube channel. Often these coincide with the new publication of a methods-related book, but this is not exclusively the case.

NCRM is open to proposals for In Conversation pieces in relation to other outputs and ideas. Please email NCRM's Deputy Director Professor Mark Elliot at

Examples of our recent videos are available to watch below. To view all our In Conversations videos, visit our videos page or the In Conversation playlist on our YouTube channel.

Jen Ross and Wayne Holmes (AI in education and research)

Sophie Woodward and Natasa Lackovic (inquiry graphics)

Sophie Woodward and Ian Cook (political Lego)

Kahryn Hughes, Anna Tarrant and Ann Oakley (gender and family)