Methodological Special Interest Groups
Our Methodological Special Interest Groups (MSIGs) provide fora for social researchers from across the UK with shared interests in specific social science methodologies, to meet, discuss theory and practice, and run events. The MSIGs are run collaboratively by members with support from NCRM. They provide support to researchers at all career levels in shaping theory and practice in relation to social science methods and strive to convene a diversity of voices and experiences from the research community.
The aims of the MSIGs are to:
- create a forum where shared discussion, supportive networks and dissemination of methodological insight occur
- identify and create opportunities for engagement and collaboration on areas of mutual benefit
- organise research events, such as conferences, seminars and lectures, focusing on identified methodologies
NCRM will identify opportunities to support the scaling-up of local or regional networks that may want to become MSIGs, and/or are happy to discuss establishing new MSIGs where there is a critical mass of social science researchers across the UK with the time and energy to collaborate.
For more details, please email us on