Methods News

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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

Research methods in Covid-19: useful evidence and supportive communities

Social researchers are adapting, switching and experimenting with methods in the pandemic. We devised a small project to synthesise the emerging evidence about methodological adaptations and …

EVENS: survey documenting the lives of ethnic and religious minority people during Covid-19

February 16th sees the launch of the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) survey: Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS) – which will be …

Are web survey answers similar to face to face ones?

In a recent peer-reviewed article Alexandru Cernat and Melanie Revilla explored the effects of switching from face to face surveys to web data …

How many research methods are enough?

For researchers who decide to use more than one method in a project, the question immediately arises of whether to treat two as sufficient or whether …

Methodological reflections on the 2021 Census

21 March 2021 is census day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.   There are at least two remarkable aspects to this simple observation – firstly, that …

Innovation in Research Methods: Investigative Social Research

On the 21st and 22nd November at the University of Liverpool in London, NCRM held an innovation forum to explore the embryonic field of “investigative social …

Teaching social research methods online: interview with Debbie Collins

Debbie Collins is not only the director of NatCen Learning, she is also working on her doctoral thesis with NCRM (supervised by …

NCRM @home: some personal experiences and coping strategies

As many other organisations, NCRM is now working from home. We had to close our offices, sort out home computers and workspaces and deal not only …