Methods News

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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

The NCRM International Visiting Exchange Scheme

The NCRM International Visitor Exchange Scheme (IVES) was set up as an important pillar of the NCRM’s international strategy. The NCRM team wanted to promote and …

Remembering Kandy Woodfield

In 2019 we lost a member of our community whose work and company has enriched our lives. I refer to Kandy Woodfield: social researcher; trainer; CIPD …

Methodological innovations and resources: a keynote panel for the World Conference on Qualitative Research

During the third phase of the National Centre for Research Methods the Centre has acted as a focal point for national and international research and training …

Walking methods in Olympic cities - turning a research article into a video script

Walking methods have different applications, including in Olympic cities. The ‘Olympic city’ provides sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists alike a fascinating incubator of social organising and ordering. …

A short history of NCRM

As the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) begins its 16th year there are many achievements of which the team can be both proud and confident …

Final issue of MethodsNews and the new phase of the National Centre for Research Methods

NCRM entered a new phase in January 2020. With the new ESRC award for 5 years we will be focusing on delivering a comprehensive programme of …

Help us to build a new Research Methods Training Portal

We are conducting a survey of user needs and expectations to inform the design of a new Research Methods Training Portal. This survey is for …

NCRM entering a new phase in 2020 - help us to shape our new training portal

We are happy to announce that the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) will be continuing into a new phase from January 2020 with an Economic and …