Changing Research Practice: Undertaking social science research in the context of Covid-19

NCRM news
Mel Nind

NCRM has been awarded additional ESRC funding for a new research and engagement project. The project, entitled Changing Research Practice: Undertaking social science research in the context of Covid-19 will run for six months initially. The team, led by Melanie Nind with Robert Meckin and Andy Coverdale, will be engaging the research community in learning and sharing positive methodological responses to, and possibilities within, the constraints of Covid-19 measures. This will involve

  • themed virtual knowledge exchange workshops on the methods and ethics challenges and solutions in the current context
  • rapid evidence review of published literature discussing social research methods successfully used in, or adapted to, Covid conditions
  • review of useful insights in social media/grey litertue
  • generation of NCRM materials and plans for training researchers on ways to carry on with their research through the constraints of social distancing, limited access to communities and building, face covering and so on.


Please contact Melanle Nind if you have experiences in social research methods that you could usefully share or need support with.