NCRM publishes ethnographic research guide

NCRM news
Ed Grover

A new guide on ethnographic research during the COVID-19 pandemic has been added to the NCRM website.

The publication, called The NCRM wayfinder guide to conducting ethnographic research in the Covid-19 era, aims to provide practical pointers for researchers who wish to adapt ethnographic methods around the constraints imposed by the pandemic.

According to the guide’s author Dr Yenn Lee, from SOAS University of London, ethnographic research is one of the areas where the challenges of the pandemic have been particularly pronounced, due to the field’s traditional emphasis on close interactions and bonds between the researcher and research participants.

The guide was published as part of the NCRM Changing Research Practices for Covid-19 Times project.

Resources, reports, reading lists and guidance materials, including the guide, are available on the project webpage.