Experts discuss political Lego and elite studies in NCRM videos

NCRM news
Ed Grover

Two new videos from NCRM see experts discussing the subjects of political Lego and elite studies.

In the first video, Professor Ian Cook of the University of Exeter discusses his use of political Lego in a conversation with Professor Sophie Woodward, of The University of Manchester. The video is the fourth edition of the Materials Methods series.

Watch In Conversation with Sophie Woodward and Ian Cook – Material Methods 4: Political Lego

The second video is from NCRM’s new Studying Elites series and explores creative methods in elite studies. It is chaired by Dr Katie Higgins from the University of Sheffield and includes contributions from Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck, of the Alternative School of Economics project, and Professor Caroline Knowles of Goldsmiths, University of London.

Watch Studying Elites: Creative Methods in Elite Studies