Learn about UK education datasets at free webinar

NCRM news
Ed Grover

Researchers interested in education in the UK can learn how to use national datasets in their research at a free webinar.

The event, on Friday, 14 June 2024, will explore a range of data sources on educational outcomes, exploring gender pay gaps, assessments and labour market trajectories.   

It is being organised by the Data Resources Training Network (DRTN), a group that supports collaboration between UK data services.

The webinar, Exploring Educational Outcomes through National Datasets, starts at 13:30 BST.

Speakers will include Dr Jools Kasmire, who will give an introduction to the UK Data Service, the datasets available and how to access these.

They will be joined by Dr Francesca Borgonovi and Dr Claire Crawford of University College London, who will explore gender gaps and variation in education and labour market trajectories.

Register for the webinar