Small and Large-N Comparative Solutions
September 22-23 2005
IDS, 121
Thursday 22nd September
11.00-11.30 Introduction
- John Holmwood, Paul Taggart
11.30-12.45 Panel 1 Keynote Address
- Charles Ragin (UC Berkeley) 'The Challenge of Small-N Research'
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Panel 2
Jackie O'Reilly (University of Sussex) "Four Frameworks of Analysis: Approaches in Political Economy"
- Chris Pickvance (University of Kent) "Four Varieties of Comparison"
- Benoit Rihoux (Universite Catholique de Louvain) "Configurational comparative methods: their added value for policy-oriented research"
16.00-17.30 Panel 3
- Charles Lees (University of Sheffield) "'We are all comparativists now'. Why and how single-country scholarship must adapt and incorporate the comparative politics approach"
- Rosemary Crompton (City University) "Comparing Portugal and the UK"
- Mick Dunford (Sussex) "Linking Aggregate and Case Study/ Micro Research (often in a comparative context) and Often Using Mixed Methods"
19.00-22.00 Conference Dinner Quod
Friday 23rd September
09.30 -11.00 Panel 4
- Jan-Erik Lane (University of Geneva) "Realism and Methodology in Political Science: Our need for Generalisations"
- Barry Cooper (University of Durham) "On Applying Ragin's Crisp and Fuzzy Set QCA to Large Datasets"
11.00-13.00 Panel 5
- Thomas Poguntke (University of Birmingham) & Paul Webb (University of Sussex) 'Comparing Presidentialisation'?
- Hilary Silver (Brown) "The Methodology of Doing Social Exclusion of Homelessness"
- Adrian Favell (UCLA) "Methods of Mobility: Reflections on the PIONEUR and Eurostars/Eurocities projects on mobile European populations"
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Roundtable
- Charles Ragin, Paul Webb, Jackie O'Reilly