A world map with lines connecting location markers in different regions.

NCRM Pedagogy Network

The aims of the NCRM Pedagogy Network are to:

  • develop a coordinated picture of researchers interested in researching and developing research methods teaching and learning in the UK and internationally
  • connect those researchers with each other and NCRM
  • support and amplify 'close-to-practice' research (small-scale local research based on problems in practice, applying critical thinking and use of evidence in developing practice)
  • build the pedagogic culture in research methods education and training by enhancing awareness of and connections to each other's work

If you would like to join the network, please complete this form and return it to Melanie Nind: M.A.Nind@soton.ac.uk.


The NCRM Pedagogy Network has members from across the world, representing many different areas of study. Our members are listed below in groups relating to their teaching expertise.

Teaching qualitative methods

  • Dr Menna Brown (Swansea University) who teaches qualitative methods. She has been evaluating student perceptions of remote, digital learning and the flipped learning approach.
  • Dr Nicole Brown (UCL), who teaches creative and arts-based methods, embodied inquiry, emotions in qualitative research and reflexivity. She is applying teaching strategies from Initial Teacher Education to the research methods arena and interested in experiential approaches for in-person and in online spaces and participatory and embodied approaches to teaching.
  • Dr Sarah L. Bulloch (University of Surrey) who teaches computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) (NVivo, MAXQDA and ATLAS.ti), introductory and advanced qualitative research methods and introductory quantitative research methods principles. She is developing online teaching practices focussing on maintaining student interaction and engagement as well as inclusivity, supporting teams to collaborate when using CAQDAS, and best practice for integrating AI into teaching qualitative data analysis.
  • Dr Christian Dogaru (University of Suffolk) who teaches a wide portfolio of research methods modules across several disciplines and who has developed a Master of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities degree.
  • Professor Jo Ferrie (University of Glasgow) who teaches undergraduate and postgraduate quantitative and qualitative courses with specialisms in discourse analysis, phenomenology, grounded theory, and participatory action research. She is working on how to remove the qual/quant binary and building research confidence, emotional wellbeing and the PhD experience.
  • Dr Jori Hall (University of Georgia, USA), whose methods teaching includes teaches culturally responsive qualitative inquiry and program evaluation, focus group methods, and values-engaged evaluation. She is developing teaching strategies (synchronous, asynchronous, avatar-based meetings) for online instruction of mixed methods and qualitative research design.
  • Dr David Higgins (University of Liverpool), who teaches ethnographic techniques, especially art-based and narrative forms of research, and who is developing dramaturgical storytelling within research methods education.
  • Alasdair Jones (University of Exeter) teaches research design and qualitative research methods and is developing pedagogy around the collection and analysis of (ethnographic) field notes.
  • Michael Klein (University of Strasbourg, France) who teaches qualitative research methods and who is developing ways of teaching interview and focus group methodology using a critical incident technique.
  • Dr Yenn Lee (SOAS), who teaches research methodology and digital ethnography and who is focusing on developing supportive teaching during pandemic.
  • Dr Rebecca O'Connell (University College London) who teaches ethnography, qualitative methods and qualitative data reuse and is currently developing capacity and resources for these.
  • Dr Rossana Perez-Del-Aguila (The Open University), who teaches qualitative data analysis and research methodologies with children and young people. She has been developing resources in these areas and researching students’ perspectives on the value of social research and application of social research theory, concepts and methods.
  • Kathia Rebeca Arreola Rodríguez who is conducting doctoral research (in education in Universidad de San Andrés en Buenos Aires, Argentina) on the teaching of social research at the undergraduate level in two Latin American universities. She is interested in analysing the relationship between teachers' educational trajectories, their formative experiences, and their approaches to teaching research.
  • Dr Rachel Shanks (University of Aberdeen), who teaches qualitative data analysis and who is working on using research methods training to provide authentic research experience for undergraduates.
  • Dr Christina Silver (University of Surrey), who teaches qualitative methodology and Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, and who is working on technology use and instructional design for integrated methods/digital tools training.
  • Dr Jennifer R. Wolgemuth (University of South Florida, USA), who teaches research design, advanced qualitative research and philosophies of inquiry. She is working on teaching research methodology as a philosophical practice including how research courses overtly or covertly convey and teach the varying onto-ethico-epistemological positions that orient inquiry.
  • Professor Sophie Woodward (NCRM, University of Manchester), who teaches research design, qualitative methods and creative methods and who is developing pedagogic practice and resources on material methods.

Teaching quantitative methods

  • Professor Steve Cook (Swansea University), who teaches econometrics and who is developing accessible quantitative methods teaching, use of replication in delivery and assessment and focusing on online delivery.
  • Dr Christian Dogaru (University of Suffolk) who teaches a wide portfolio of research methods modules across several disciplines and who has developed a Master of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities degree.
  • Dr James Hall (University of Southampton) who is developing teaching for research design, quantitative methods, mixed methods, and statistics (introductory and advanced).
  • Professor Daiga Kamerāde (University of Salford) teaches UG (and novice staff) quantitative research methods and is developing use of online tests as an assessment and engagement tool.
  • Dr Adrian Millican (Durham University) who teaches statistics and quantitative methods with interests in embedding methods into discipline based modules, utilising online learning beyond the pandemic and utilising co-curriculum to boost engagement in statistics labs, plus addressing EDI issues related to teaching statistics.
  • Dr Adam Rock (University of New England, Australia), who teaches quantitative analyses and experimental and quasi-experimental designs, and who is developing elearning strategies in these areas.

Teaching creative methods

  • Dr Nicole Brown (UCL), who teaches creative and arts-based methods, embodied inquiry, emotions in qualitative research and reflexivity. She is applying teaching strategies from Initial Teacher Education to the research methods arena and interested in experiential approaches for in-person and in online spaces and participatory and embodied approaches to teaching.
  • Dr David Higgins (University of Liverpool), who teaches ethnographic techniques, especially art-based and narrative forms of research, and who is developing dramaturgical storytelling within research methods education.
  • Professor Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan (University of Nottingham), who explores innovative and transdisciplinary research methodologies and methods in professional learning, seeking teaching transformation, educational and social change from within. She blends self-reflexive methodologies with the creative power of the arts to enhance learning and research, focusing on changes relevant to and driven by practitioners.
  • Professor Sophie Woodward (NCRM, University of Manchester), who teaches research design, qualitative methods and creative methods and who is developing pedagogic practice and resources on material methods.

Teaching mixed methods

  • Dr Sohel Ahmed (Newcastle University) who teaches mixed-method research design to business students and is interested in exploring the potential of value co-creation.
  • Dr Ana Barbosa (University of Bradford) who teaching evaluation methods and developing resources (synchronous, asynchronous) for online instruction of mixed methods (introductory) with a specific focus on doing research with people with dementia.
  • Dr James Hall (University of Southampton) who is developing teaching for research design, quantitative methods, mixed methods, and statistics (introductory and advanced).
  • Dr Jori Hall (University of Georgia, USA), whose methods teaching includes teaches culturally responsive qualitative inquiry and program evaluation, focus group methods, and values-engaged evaluation. She is developing teaching strategies (synchronous, asynchronous, avatar-based meetings) for online instruction of mixed methods and qualitative research design.
  • Dr Rebecca Johnson (University of Birmingham), who teaches mixed methods and who is developing an open space learning approach for threshold concepts in mixed methods research.

Teaching online methods

  • Dr Yenn Lee (SOAS), who teaches research methodology and digital ethnography and who is focusing on developing supportive teaching during pandemic.

Teaching research methods online

  • Dr Menna Brown (Swansea University) who teaches qualitative methods. She has been evaluating student perceptions of remote, digital learning and the flipped learning approach.
  • Dr Nicole Brown (UCL), who teaches creative and arts-based methods, embodied inquiry, emotions in qualitative research and reflexivity. She is applying teaching strategies from Initial Teacher Education to the research methods arena and interested in experiential approaches for in-person and in online spaces and participatory and embodied approaches to teaching.
  • Dr Sarah L. Bulloch (University of Surrey) who teaches computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) (NVivo, MAXQDA and ATLAS.ti), introductory and advanced qualitative research methods and introductory quantitative research methods principles. She is developing online teaching practices focussing on maintaining student interaction and engagement as well as inclusivity, supporting teams to collaborate when using CAQDAS, and best practice for integrating AI into teaching qualitative data analysis.
  • Debbie Collins (NCRM, NatCen), who teaches questionnaire design and testing, web survey design, web first and mixed mode survey design, and research methods pedogogy. Her pedagogic research is into teaching research methods online.
  • Dr Jori Hall (University of Georgia, USA), whose methods teaching includes teaches culturally responsive qualitative inquiry and program evaluation, focus group methods, and values-engaged evaluation. She is developing teaching strategies (synchronous, asynchronous, avatar-based meetings) for online instruction of mixed methods and qualitative research design.
  • Dr Ben Kei Daniel (University of Otago, New Zealand), who teaches quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods and who is developing use of educational data science and learning analytics in research methods education
  • Dr Yenn Lee (SOAS), who teaches research methodology and digital ethnography and who is focusing on developing supportive teaching during pandemic.
  • Dr Sarah Lewthwaite (University of Southampton), who is developing research and educational resources from her involvement as research fellow on the NCRM Pedagogy of Methodological Learning study.
  • Emma Morrissey (Solent University) who is researching technology enhanced learning, student engagement, and student reflective practice.
  • Dr Adam Rock (University of New England, Australia), who teaches quantitative analyses and experimental and quasi-experimental designs, and who is developing elearning strategies in these areas.
  • Dr Christina Silver (University of Surrey), who teaches qualitative methodology and Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, and who is working on technology use and instructional design for integrated methods/digital tools training.

Teaching research methods to health professionals

  • Dr Menna Brown (Swansea University) who teaches qualitative methods. She has been evaluating student perceptions of remote, digital learning and the flipped learning approach.
  • Dr Jackie Buck (University of East Anglia) who teaches applied health research within the NHS (including qualitative research, systematic reviews, evaluation) and who is interested in developing an evidence base, particularly for the teaching of research ethics.
  • Professor Jo Ferrie (University of Glasgow) who teaches undergraduate and postgraduate quantitative and qualitative courses with specialisms in discourse analysis, phenomenology, grounded theory, and participatory action research. She is working on how to remove the qual/quant binary and building research confidence, emotional wellbeing and the PhD experience.
  • Dr Michelle Holmes (AECC University College), who teaches clinical research methods, literature reviews, and basis qualitative and quantitative methods. She has been researching research methods textbook pedagogy and student experience of learning research methods, with a particular interest in research methods teaching in health sciences.

Developing experiential learning

  • Dr Koen Bartels (University of Birmingham), who teaches research design, practice and ethics and who is working on experiential learning approaches.
  • Dr Nicole Brown (UCL), who teaches creative and arts-based methods, embodied inquiry, emotions in qualitative research and reflexivity. She is applying teaching strategies from Initial Teacher Education to the research methods arena and interested in experiential approaches for in-person and in online spaces and participatory and embodied approaches to teaching.
  • Professor Jackie Carter (The University of Manchester), who teaches undergraduate quantitative methods as part of the Q-Step initiative. Jackie is developed experiential and workplace-based approaches to learning.
  • Dr Rachel Shanks (University of Aberdeen), who teaches qualitative data analysis and who is working on using research methods training to provide authentic research experience for undergraduates.

Developing resources for students

  • Emma Morrissey (Solent University) who is researching technology enhanced learning, student engagement, and student reflective practice.
  • Dr Rebecca O'Connell (University College London) who teaches ethnography, qualitative methods and qualitative data reuse and is currently developing capacity and resources for these.
  • Dr Rossana Perez-Del-Aguila (The Open University), who teaches qualitative data analysis and research methodologies with children and young people. She has been developing resources in these areas and researching students’ perspectives on the value of social research and application of social research theory, concepts and methods.
  • Dr Jo Rose (University of Bristol) who is developing material to support postgraduates to develop ethical research practice for their dissertations.
  • Professor Michael Anthony Samuel (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa), who teaches life history research, narrative inquiry and academic writing, and who has been developing pedagogical tools such as The Research Wheel used in South Africa and internationally.
  • Helen Thomas-Hughes (University of Bristol), who is conducting pedagogical research into best practice for interdisciplinary research supervision and building research communities that encourage diverse student bodies in environmental research careers.

Student experience of learning research methods

  • Dr Menna Brown (Swansea University) who teaches qualitative methods. She has been evaluating student perceptions of remote, digital learning and the flipped learning approach.
  • Professor Jackie Carter (The University of Manchester), who teaches undergraduate quantitative methods as part of the Q-Step initiative. Jackie is developed experiential and workplace-based approaches to learning.
  • Dr Michelle Holmes (AECC University College), who teaches clinical research methods, literature reviews, and basis qualitative and quantitative methods. She has been researching research methods textbook pedagogy and student experience of learning research methods, with a particular interest in research methods teaching in health sciences.
  • Emma Morrissey (Solent University) who is researching technology enhanced learning, student engagement, and student reflective practice.
  • Dr Rossana Perez-Del-Aguila (The Open University), who teaches qualitative data analysis and research methodologies with children and young people. She has been developing resources in these areas and researching students’ perspectives on the value of social research and application of social research theory, concepts and methods.