Changing Research Practices community engagement
Phase I
The Phase I workshops focused on knowledge exchange and the co-production of resources to support the research community and facilitate the building of research relationships and solutions. See the Changing Research Practices resources page for the reading lists generated from these workshops, as well as presentations and video recordings.
The following workshops took place in 2020:
- 24 September: Interviewing
- 1 October: Working with participant groups with additional challenges
- 15 October: Participatory and deliberative methods
- 22 October: Research ethics in Covid-19
- 5 November: Creative and sensory research
- 19 November: Online ethnographic methods
- 26 November: Surveys and longitudinal studies
- 10 December: Secondary data and Covid-19 data
We ran the following two online webinars in 2021 to share the project findings with a larger audience:
- 28 January: Social Research Methods Suited or Adapted to Covid-19 Times
- 11 February: Emerging Issues in Changing Research Practices for Covid-19 Times
Phase I webinars: videos and presentations
- Methods adapted or suited to research in the pandemic (28 January) - recorded presentations
- Secondary data during the pandemic
- Adaptations in sensory and material methods in covid-19 times
- Expressive methods during the pandemic
- Just transferring online valuing Covid-19 methodologies
- Survey methods in the pandemic
- Emerging issues in changing research practices for Covid-19 times (11 February) - recorded presentations
- Making research ethical
- Making research happen
- Making research valid and trustworthy
Phase II
Community engagement continued in Phase II through a further series of online knowledge exchange workshops. These were organised around facilitated group discussions prompted by a short pre-workshop activity and provided opportunities for networking and resource sharing.
The following workshops took place in 2021:
- 29 April: Researching with children during Covid-19 times
- 27 May: Researching in the global South following Covid-19
- 24 June: Recruiting, re-engaging and sustaining participation in social research during Covid-19
Phase III
Finally, the project team worked with a group of researchers over six months of their research. In a series of workshops, they explored the concept and reality of uncertainty as it pertains to planning and doing social research.