Workers on a sugarcane farm

10. The Emergence of New Diseases: Hybrid Methodological Approaches and the Case of CKDnt


Jason Glaser (La Isla Group/London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London) and Ciara Kierans (Chapala Social Science and Humanities/University of Liverpool)


In this paper, Glaser and Kierans provide an account of two closely aligned investigative trajectories reflecting new forms of kidney disease and how those trajectories have led them to propose an integrated framework for assessing and addressing these emergent epidemics. The authors show that the problem of kidney failure without warning or explanation cannot be addressed by single or unitary disciplinary approaches but requires genuine collaboration and alignment. Achieving this requires challenging disciplinary imperatives, entrenched biases and assumptions through investigations.

Read The Emergence of New Diseases: Hybrid Methodological Approaches and the Case of CKDnt