Data Linkage: An Overview

Presenter(s): Natalie Shlomo

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Data (record) linkage brings together information from two different records that are believed to belong to the same person based on a set of common matching variables. This resource provides an introduction to deterministic and probabilistic record linkage as set out in the seminal paper by Fellegi and Sunter (1969).

Data Linkage: An Overview .

The aim of the video is to provide a short online resource containing the underlying theory of deterministic and probabilistic record linkage.

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About the author

Natalie Shlomo is Professor of Social Statistics in the Social Statistics Discipline Area, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester. Prior to that, she was Senior Lecturer, Director and Coordinator of the MSc in Official Statistics Programme at the University of Southampton. She is a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute where she is also serving on the executive council. She serves on a number of editorial boards for academic journals and is co-editor for the International Association of Survey Statisticians Newsletter. She serves on methodology advisory boards and other committees and task forces. She has many publications in refereed academic journals and book chapters and has given over 30 invited lectures.

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