Walking as a participatory, performative and mobile method
Presenter(s): Maggie O'Neill and Tracey Reynolds

In this online resource, we talk about walking as a participatory, performative and mobile method. We also describe what the method is, and how it has been used in research. Moreoever, we discuss how we used these methods as part of our project with migrant communities.
Walking as a participatory, performative and mobile method
The research combines walking methods and participatory theatre - working with migrant mothers, girls and migrant women with no recourse to public funds - to understand the lives, experiences and sense of belonging and place making - involved in enacting citizenship.
About the author
Professor Maggie O'Neill, University of York joined the Department of Sociology in April 2016 as Chair in Sociology/Criminology and have held posts at Durham University (Professor in Criminology, Principal of Ustinov College, Co-Director of the Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexuality and Council for Academics at Risk (CARA) Academic Champion) Loughborough University, Staffordshire University and Nottingham Trent University.
A former editor of Sociology the flagship Journal of the BSA and former Chair of the ESA Research Network on Biographical perspectives on European Societies I co- founded the Race Crime and Justice Network in the North East with Gary Craig and Bankole Cole and the Sex Work Research Hub (now based at York)with Rosie Campbell. I currently Chair the Sex Work Research Hub with Prof Teela Sanders and Rosie Campbell OBE.
Professor Tracey Reynolds, University of Greenwich is a Research Professor in the Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities. Tracey began her academic career in 1998 in the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Science, London South Bank University shortly after completing her PhD in Sociology here.
Tracey's teaching and research interests focus on transnational families and kinship networks; constructions of motherhood and parenting
- Published on: 18 December 2017
- Event hosted by: University of York, University of York and University of Greenwich
- Keywords: participatory methods | biographical methods | arts-based research |
- To cite this resource:
Maggie O'Neill and Tracey Reynolds. (2017). Walking as a participatory, performative and mobile method. National Centre for Research Methods online learning resource. Available at https://www.ncrm.ac.uk/resources/online/all/?id=20713 [accessed: 12 March 2025]