Session: Tuesday 8th July PM (14.15 - 15.30)

Title: How to Use Oral History Methods


Professor Joanna Bornat (The Open University)
Professor Jenny Harding (London Metropolitan University)

Abstract Details

Oral history as a source of evidence about the past and as a research method has been much contested, yet is increasingly used by researchers working in a range of academic disciplines, by society more widely and in the media. Criticism and popularity pose challenges which we will consider as we provide an introduction to designing oral history into research looking at: memory and reliability; sampling and representivity; the oral history interview; analysis and interpretation; ethics and emotions. We will draw on interview examples and provide guidance into accessing the wider oral history literature.

The level of the session is: Accessible

Presentation details

Presentation 1

Start time: 14:15

Presentation title:How to use oral history methods

Authors: Professor Joanna Bornat (The Open University)
Professor Jenny Harding (London Metropolitan University)