What is the CLOSER Learning Hub?
Bio: Neil Kaye is a Research Fellow at CLOSER and, as part of his role, leads on Training and Capacity Building. He has a focus on research methods and is enthusiastic about helping students and researchers make effective use of the UK's longitudinal studies. This work has involved running workshops, overseeing a refresh of CLOSER's Learning Hub and developing further online resources for the longitudinal population studies community.
This session provides a demonstration of the CLOSER Learning Hub and how it can help students to use data from longitudinal studies for their dissertation. The format comprises a short introductory video (15 mins); followed by a live demonstration with interactive exercises for participants (20 mins) and a Q&A session (15 mins). The session will look in-depth at the Learning Hub's resources - learning modules; data discovery; research case studies - and how they can be applied to research for a self-led undergraduate dissertation. From understanding the benefits of longitudinal research and how it can be used to answer research questions; to accessing datasets from longitudinal studies and thinking about analysing and writing up your research; this introductory session will provide a clear guide for students considering using longitudinal studies in their research.