What is - , 07-11-2023

What is time diary analysis of work?


Pierre Walthery, UK Data Service, University of Manchester and Centre for Time Use Research, University College London


The goal of this session will be to present an applied introduction to quantitative time diary analysis of paid and unpaid work. Since their emergence in the 1960s, time diary surveys have been extensively used to measure themes such as daily time allocation, gendered division of labour and patterns in leisure behaviour.

Data from time diary surveys also offer a unique insight into work by enabling the modelling of its duration; its distribution across the day and week; its social and spatial context; exploring the boundaries of paid and unpaid work in a more robust fashion than with traditional social surveys.

The talk will focus on providing essential tools for working with time diary dataset (ie data structure and time diary variables; common datasets and how to access them; examples of analysing daily and weekly work duration and probabilities).