In conversation - , 08-11-2023

The how, when and why of Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Kahryn Hughes and Anna Tarrant in conversation


Bio: Kahryn Hughes is Professor of Sociology, University of Leeds. She is Director of the Timescapes Archive and Senior Fellow of the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). Her research funding has been from flagship ESRC methods programmes, including the Research Methods Programme and Timescapes. She is internationally recognised for innovation in methods of Qualitative Secondary Analysis. Her substantive interests include intergenerational poverty, and addiction.

Anna Tarrant


This 'in conversation with' session will explore the how, when and why of Qualitative Secondary Analysis. Join Kahryn and Anna who will introduce Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA), not as a replacement for primary research, but as an established alternative or addition to the broader repertoire of qualitative research methods. Reflecting on developments in the field in the past two decades they will outline the historical conditions through which innovations in this burgeoning methodological field have emerged. They will discuss their own contributions to these debates and present examples of how qualitative data re-use have supported extensive new knowledge and theorisation. Delegates will be invited to consider the challenges of Qualitative Secondary Analysis and to pose questions both about utilising this methodology and engaging with the tsunami of international archived qualitative research data currently available.