Webinar - , 08-11-2023

The research ethics tree: engaging children with research ethics using an interactive tool


Bio: Lucy Robinson is a third-year doctoral researcher at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, funded by an ESRC Grand Union DTP studentship. Her DPhil research aims to engage in a meaningful and creative way with service children to explore how military life has shaped their experiences of education and sense of self. Before embarking on her DPhil at Oxford, Lucy completed her PGCE and MEd in Primary Education at the University of Cambridge. In addition to her DPhil work and role as Twitter Manager for the Defence Research Network, Lucy is a Trustee for the Armed Forces Education Trust (AFET).


When a child becomes a participant in a research project, it is often their first exposure to research. Thus, understandably, they come with little understanding of what research is and their involvement in it. Whilst research consent forms - written in 'child-speak' - are helpful, they work on the assumption that children have understood the written content and if not, feel comfortable enough to ask questions during a first meeting. This is a big ask and often leaves child participants with superficial knowledge and understanding of ethical research.

Inspired by the work of Edwards and their 'Case of Ethics' (2019), I developed my own 'research ethics tree'; an interactive and visual representation of the research ethics involved in my PhD research. In this workshop, I will share my experiences of developing and using the tool. I will then invite the audience to engage in a 'make your own', thus inviting them to reflect on how they do, or could, support children's understanding of ethical research in their own practice.