Panel - , 08-11-2023

Arts and Humanities Methods: An Interdisciplinary Primer


Bio: Michael is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Liverpool. He is the Director of engage@liverpool (, an Executive Board Member of Methods North West (, and a Senior Fellow at the UK's National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM, Michael has expertise in the methodology, philosophy and social scientific study of research with his empirical work focusing on methodological practice in the social sciences, natural sciences and the arts and humanities and covering ethnographic studies of qualitative, quantitative, investigative and digital methods as well as experimentation, machine learning and artificial intelligence.


This Q&A based discussion contributes to long-standing dialogues between the social sciences and the arts and humanities, providing a primer in the state of the art(s). The arts and humanities had to respond to a wave of digitalisation and demands to demonstrate impact far earlier than the social sciences. When it comes to methods, the response has been highly innovative and the panel will introduce and showcase work in arts methods (Kierans, Lybeck, Slocombe), digital humanities (Ashworth, Godfrey, Musi, Webb) and archival studies (Buchannan, Thomason) - areas which intersect with the social sciences but have methodological relevance across multiple research fields and link outwards to professional and institutional communities in the arts, design, heritage, government, architecture, medicine and more. The session offers an opportunity to explore resonances and will be of interest to all those seeking to expand their understanding of the methodological repertoires being developed beyond the disciplinary boundaries of the social sciences.