Workshop - , 09-11-2023

Adapting Old Methods for International Impact


Emily Upson, Newcastle University


This workshop will lead participants to reimagine transnational advocacy and policy influence through three participatory activities. Regionally specific crises will often develop a network of transnational advocates, through which attempts to influence the target state will be conducted. The workshop will use break out rooms to allow participants to compare their findings across field sites, and the different discoveries that would adapt the selected diagrams, and collaboratively construct new ones.


The inherited theory behind structures of power shape how we ‘see’ these advocacy communities, and how the communities see themselves. This includes Laura Nader’s vertical lines of power (Nader 1972), and human rights organization’s vested interest in seeming ‘global’ rather than literally situated (Kate Nash 2015). Now that academics are encouraged towards ‘impact’, this workshop encourages us to reimagine our old methodologies: adapting pre-existing critical models; mapping potential routes of change; and drawing current advocacy networks.