Webinar - , 09-11-2023

In Search of Your Personal Research Paradigm


Sandar Win, Department of Finance, Accounting and Business Systems Sheffield Hallam University


The research paradigm is often overlooked by PhD supervisors and supervisees. Researchers usually focus on identifying research gaps and influenced by dominant research methodologies in their fields of study. In this webinar, we will highlight the importance of knowing our own personal research paradigms before commencing our research. The webinar will be based on our published paper 'Reflecting and integrating the contextual influences of ambiguities and institutional power in organisational research design: A case of Myanmar' published in Management and Organization Review. We will reflect our personal struggles of conducting research when the dominant research paradigm is not aligned with our own personal research paradigm, and how we utilised those struggles as opportunities to develop research questions that address grand challenges. Then, we will provide suggestions on how researchers can be confident in pursuing research with their own personal research paradigms.