Emotions in Research (join a waiting list)



Organised by:

The University of Edinburgh


Dr Jennifer Leigh is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education and Academic Practice at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Kent

Mag. Nicole Brown is a Lecturer in Education at UCL Institute of Education


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Laura Marshall
0131 651 3001
Working week Monday - Wednesday


View in Google Maps  (WC2A 3PH)


London School of Economics
Lower Ground Floor
32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields


Some authors describe the academy as a place devoid of emotion (Bloch, 2012), however emotions are a fundamental part of how we live in and experience the world around us. Researchers and participants have emotions and feel emotional responses to experiences, though these can be hard to acknowledge, express, capture and process (that is recognise, name, accept and then potentially act on).


This training event will draw on embodied therapeutic and creative techniques to focus on the presence of emotions in research – how we can attend to and become aware of them in ourselves as researchers and in our participants, how we can hold emotional space for ourselves and our participants to express emotions safely, how we can capture the emotional resonance created in research, again in ourselves and in our participants, and how we can process the emotions we feel directly, and as a result of our participants’ experiences.

Course will run from 09:30-16:00

Particpiants will be asked to wear comfortable clothes to allow them to move freely and bring with you anyting that allows them to sit comfortably (cushions, throws, blankets)


The fee per teaching day is:

• £30 per day for UK/EU registered students
• £60 per day for staff at UK/EU academic institutions, UK/EU Research Councils researchers, UK/EU public sector staff and staff at UK/EU registered charity organisations and recognised UK/EU research institutions.
• £220 per day for all other participants

All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.

Cancellation Policy: Please be reminded that you will be charged the full registration fee if you cancel your place within 4 weeks before the training delivery date or you fail to attend.

If you are able to fill the place on the course you are cancelling then the cancellation charge will not apply.

Website and registration:

Register for this course


Greater London


Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis, Qualitative Research , Emotions , Embodied , Creative Methods , Arts-Based , Reflexivity

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis

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