Temporal Research and Creative Approaches (online) (join a waiting list)



Organised by:

University of Leeds


Dr Fiona Shirani and Dr Kate O'Sullivan


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Marie Johnson
0113 343 4407

video conference logo

Venue: Online


This one day online course will explore temporal research methods, in particular looking at qualitative longitudinal interviewing techniques and creative activities used in support of interviews to encourage participants to think over extended time periods. The course assumes that you have some knowledge of qualitative research methods – particularly interviewing, and builds on that knowledge by introducing qualitative longitudinal interviews and the use of creative activity packs. The course will include practical advice and tips on using creative methods in research, as well as an opportunity to try out some of the activity packs. These include mapping, ranking exercises, photo elicitation, and the use of pre-existing images and video, amongst others. The morning sessions will introduce qualitative longitudinal interviewing as a temporal approach, and outline the rationale for using activity packs. The afternoon sessions will cover techniques for thinking about the past, present and future and how these extended temporal horizons can add an important dimension to research.

The course covers:

  • An introduction to qualitative longitudinal interviewing
  • The use of creative activity packs, including practical and ethical issues
  • Approaches to help participants talk about the past and future

By the end of the course participants will:

  •  Have an insight into qualitative longitudinal interviewing as a temporal research approach
  •  Have an overview of a range of activities that can be included in creative activity packs
  •  Understand practical and ethical issues with the use of activity packs

Event Outline


  • One day course to run 09.15 to 15.15
  • Sessions include lectures, group discussion and practical exercises
  • Synchronous teaching (live online teaching, with exception or prior activity pack)

Session 1 (9.30-10.45) – Background and qualitative longitudinal context to temporal methods (synchronous lecture and Q&A)

Session 2 (11-12) – Introduction to activity packs (different techniques, pros and cons, practical considerations, ethical issues) (synchronous lecture and Q&A)

Session 3 (12.30-1.25) – Methods to ask about the past and present (videos, map, interview Qs) (synchronous lecture, practical activities and group discussion)

Session 4 (1.25-2.20) – Methods to ask about the future (timelines, future images) (synchronous lecture, practical activities and group discussion)

Session 5 (2.30-3.15) – Analysing and presenting activity pack data (synchronous lecture, practical activities and group discussion)


The fee per teaching day is:• £30 per day for registered students• £60 per day for staff at academic institutions, Research Councils researchers, public sector staff, staff at registered charity organisations and recognised research institutions. • £100 per day for all other participants. In the event of cancellation by the delegate a full refund of the course fee is available up to two weeks prior to the course. No refunds are available after this date.If it is no longer possible to run a course due to circumstances beyond its control, NCRM reserves the right to cancel the course at its sole discretion at any time prior to the event. In this event every effort will be made to reschedule the course. If this is not possible or the new date is inconvenient a full refund of the course fee will be given. NCRM shall not be liable for any costs, losses or expenses that may be incurred as a result of the cancellation of a course. The University of Southampton’s Online Store T&Cs also continue to apply.

Website and registration:

Register for this course


Yorkshire and Humberside


Qualitative longitudinal research (QLR), Qualitative interview design, Activity Packs, Temporal Research

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Qualitative longitudinal research (QLR)
Qualitative interview design

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