Introduction to Autoethnography



Organised by:

The Qualitative Researcher


Dr Karen Lumsden


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Dr Karen Lumsden

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Venue: Online



This live one-day online course provides participants with an introduction to autoethnography and writing the self. Autoethnography is a powerful methodological approach which merges autobiography and ethnography to explore personal experiences within broader social and cultural contexts. This course serves as an introduction to the theory, practice, and application of autoethnography, inviting participants to engage deeply with their own lived experiences while critically examining the intersections of self and society. Through a combination of presentations, group discussions, and hands-on activities, students will develop the skills necessary to begin their own autoethnographic inquiries and produce meaningful narratives that contribute to personal growth and scholarly inquiry.


Topics to be covered:

· Principles of autoethnography

· Autoethnography: methodology and method

· Types of autoethnography: e.g. critical, evocative, analytical, performative

· Examples of autoethnography and its application

· Autoethnographic practice: from writing the self to crafting the self

· Autoethnography and reflexivity

· Ethics in autoethnography

· Debates and critiques of autoethnography


Who is this course for?

This is a foundational course which is designed for doctoral students, academics and researchers who are new to autoethnography, who are considering using autoethnography in their research, or are in the early stages of conducting an autoethnography. It is beneficial, but not essential, if participants have some prior foundational training or knowledge of qualitative research.

Please note: this is live interactive training with presentations, group activities, group discussions, and opportunities to ask questions. You should be prepared to participate in these and have use of camera and mic on Zoom.


Trainer biography

Dr Karen Lumsden is a qualitative trainer, consultant and coach, and Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Aberdeen, UK. She has published autoethnographies of higher education and is co-editor of Crafting Autoethnography: Processes and Practices of Making Self and Culture (Routledge, 2023).

She has over 20 years’ experience delivering qualitative methods courses and training to academics, social researchers, and practitioners. This includes courses at the Universities of Aberdeen, Glasgow, Essex, Auckland, Kingston, via the Social Research Association and the European Consortium for Political Research, and also for government departments, NHS, charities, police organisations, social research and market research organisations. Karen has written a number of books and journal articles on qualitative methods including Crafting Autoethnography (Routledge, 2023) and Reflexivity: Theory, Method, Practice (2019). She is on the Editorial Board of the journal Qualitative Research.



Bookings for this course can be made via Eventbrite tickets. However if your organisation requests that payment be made via invoice please contact me directly to enquire. Payment must be received in full in advance of the course date in order to secure a place.


£120 (discounted rate for students, unwaged, part-time); £160 (full rate)

Website and registration:




Ethnographic Research, Data Collection, Data Collection (other), Biographical Methods/Oral History, Autoethnography

Related publications and presentations:

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Data Collection
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Biographical Methods/Oral History

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