Analysing Qualitative Data Using MAXQDA: from coding to AI-assisted analysis
Organised by:
University of Essex
Dr Katy Wheeler is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at The University of Essex and has been a MAXQDA professional trainer since 2017. She has extensive experience of analysing different forms of qualitative data - from interview data to documents and qualitative survey data. Her research interests are in the fields of sustainability and consumption and she has published widely within leading academic journals and two books, Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer: Shopping for Justice (2012: Palgrave) and Recycling and Consumption Work: Social and moral economies (2015: Palgrave). She is also the co-author of the textbook How to do Qualitative Interviewing (with Morgan Brett, 2022: Sage).
Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)
Venue: Online
Are you struggling with the many files and folders in your qualitative analysis project? Learn how to sort your data into a manageable and structured dataset so all your research data is stored in one file.
The course will cover the basics of coding and setting up a new project in MAXQDA, before moving on to some of the more advanced features such as visual tools, document variables and mixed method analysis. The course will introduce and demonstrate the new ‘AI Assist’ feature (for generating summaries and code suggestions) and discuss some of the key considerations when using this tool.
The training is designed for anyone with an interest in using MAXQDA to undertake analysis of different forms of qualitative data – whether documents, interview transcripts or open-ended survey questions. Participants are encouraged to present any analysis issues that have arisen in the course of their research for collaborative discussion.
No prior knowledge of MAXQDA is required.
This will be a hands-on live training session via zoom and participants will need to have access to MAXQDA (trial licenses will be provided).
By the end of this course, participants should:
- Understand how to use MAXQDA to undertake a basic qualitative analysis, including data familiarisation, coding and continued reflection on the data.
- Appreciate how document variables can be used for mixed methods needs and how to view data according to fixed characteristics.
- Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the ‘AI Assist’ Feature to aid qualitative analysis
£100.00 - External academics, students and not-for-profit organisations, £150.00 - Commercial participants
Website and registration:
East of England
Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, ICT and Software, Qualitative Software, Maxqda
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