SEM with Mplus: Multilevel data analysis
13/11/2024 - 04/12/2024
Organised by:
Dr Gabriela Roman
Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)
Dr Gabriela Roman
Venue: Online
Course website:
Course framework and background:
This online course covers the foundations of structural equation modelling using the software Mplus, with topics including:
- Instroduction to multilevel modelling
- Decisions around when to use multilevel modelling
- Accounting for clustered data in single-level modellnig
- Twolevel modelling with predictors at a single level
- Twolevel modelling with predictors at both levels
- Random slopes
- Cross-level interactions
- Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis
- Multilevel measurement invariance
- Multiple-group structural equation modelling
- Assessing level-specific model fit.
Course format:
Each course has 3 units, released at a rate of one per week, every Wedensday, at 12 noon London time.
The course contains 3 elements:
- Video-based lessons: These are pre-recorded and made available to you 24/7, so you can fit them around your schedule. To aid active learning, placeholders appear throughout the videos to invite you to “have a think” before the answer is given.
- Mplus files: A dropbox folder contains all the Mplus files used in the course, plus a few other external resources. The best use of the files is to annotate them as you go along.
- Discussion forum: The website includes a "Discussion forum". You are welcome to post questions there about anything that might be unclear in the course.
This course is a data analysis course, not a statistics course. This means we will learn when to use different statistical techniques based on our research questions, what these techniques do (in an intuitive non-mathematical way), how to apply them using Mplus and how to interpret the results.
As this course is non-mathematical, so should be suitable for anyone. However, if you are entirely new to SEM and Mplus, I highly recommend you also take the Foundation course (listed on the course website, at .
Teacher and course background:
I am an Affiliated Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, with a PhD in Developmental Psychology. Click here to see my university profile.
This online course emulates my in-person ‘SEM with Mplus’ courses (, which have been running since 2013 in Cambridge. The courses were first delivered under the umbrella of the University of Cambridge and then as a private venture, hosted by Selwyn College, Cambridge.
All the online courses are also endorsed and published on the official Mplus software website.
£190 - £270
Website and registration:
East of England
Mplus, Multilevel Modelling , Random effects, Latent Variable Models, Confirmatory factor analysis, Structural equation models, Mplus, Cross-level interactions, Multilevel structural equation modelling, Multilevel measurement invariance.
Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive: