Depth Interviewing Skills
Organised by:
Social Research Association
Dr Sarah Jasim
Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)
Patricia Cornell
Venue: Online
This one-day live online course will provide training on depth interviews. The course is designed to provide early-career and mid-career researchers, and other policy and practice professionals with the skills required to plan and conduct depth interviews.
The morning session introduces participants to the foundational principles of depth interview design, including defining the sample, recruiting participants, designing research questions and topic guides, building rapport, audio and video recording, and the importance of listening.
The afternoon session provides the opportunity for more in-depth small-group practice exercises and discussion, and for the practical application of the material covered to existing and future research projects in which participants are engaging.
Pre-Assignment: Please bring a list of questions / themes to the session. (If you will not be using depth interview methodology immediately, please bring a list of questions based on a neutral topic of your choice so you can participate in the group exercise).
Learning outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained a better understanding of:
- identifying key features and objectives of in-depth interviews
- deciding when it might be appropriate to use the in-depth interview approach, compared to other interview approaches
- designing and using a topic guide
- interviewer role attributes and competence in the different aspects of managing the interview process
- practical skills of in-depth interviewing: active listening; open questioning and probing
- considerations before the interview
- designing and using a topic guide
- interviewer attributes
- managing the interview process
- stages of the interview
- in-depth interviewing skills: active listening, open questioning and probing techniques
Who will benefit?
You will find the course useful if:
- you are just starting to conduct in-depth interviews
- have some previous experience of conducting qualitative interviews, but lack formal training
- you commission or manage qualitative research in central or local government, social science or other applied research sectors
Course tutor
Dr Sarah Jasim has a background in social science research and has been teaching research methods for over 12 year, currently for the LSE, UCL, KCL, NIHR ARC North Thames, LISS DTP, Methodical and the SRA. She is a Policy Fellow for the London Research and Policy Partnership (LRaPP), embedded within the City Intelligence Unit at the GLA. She is a senior mixed methods researcher with previous experience in complex evaluations in mental health, social care and health services; and research skills in statistical methods, qualitative research, mixed methods, realist evaluation, participatory action research, co-design / co-production and knowledge brokerage.
£180 for SRA members, £235 for non-members
Website and registration:
Frameworks for Research and Research Designs, Data Collection, Data Quality and Data Management , Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, Mixed Methods Data Handling and Data Analysis, ICT and Software, Research Management and Impact, Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination
Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:
Frameworks for Research and Research Designs
Data Collection
Data Quality and Data Management
Qualitative Data Handling and Data Analysis
Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis
Mixed Methods Data Handling and Data Analysis
ICT and Software
Research Management and Impact
Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination