Navigating co-production & public involvement in research using data


27/02/2025 - 28/02/2025

Organised by:

Swansea University (Datacise Open Learning)


Mr Jack Palmer, Dr Michaela James & Dr Mayara Silveira Bianchim


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Chris Roberts,

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Venue: Online


Understand & define co-production principles & values within the context of data linkage research. Designed for beginners or those wishing to grow their knowledge.


Course description:

This course teaches learners how to apply co-production principles in data linkage research, using sector-leading frameworks, useful tools and real examples of working with seldom-heard groups, charity partners and public bodies. The training will enable learners to:

  • Understand co-production principles and values and how they apply specifically within the context of data linkage.
  • Identify key features of robust co-production strategies and how they fit with existing frameworks.
  • Recognise potential gaps in existing approaches by exploring how to critically assess different approaches to involvement and co-production, identifying potential shortcomings or areas for improvement.
  • Develop detailed co-production strategies by understanding how to integrate co-production principles into the data linkage process effectively.
  • Exploring case study demonstrating how co-production principles can be applied in real-life contexts.
  • Developing and delivering their own co-production strategies within the context of data linkage. This practical component is essential for reinforcing theoretical concepts and building practical skills.
  • Collaborative learning and peer support: Delivered by active researchers from Administrative Data Research Wales, Health Data Research UK Wales, and the Centre for Population Health (CPH), learners will benefit from their peers through their real-world experiences.


Learning mode

This course will be delivered online over two days.

  • Learners will be sent a pack of learning materials and toolkits which will be used during the course, but will also be useful for delivering co-production in their own roles.
  • Specific time slots can be booked with individual members of the team for the discussion of any questions related to their own current work or projects.
  • Learners will be required to complete an assignment as part of the assessment of the course.
  • Learners will be able to learn from experienced members of the CPH patient and public involvement group.


Who should attend?

This course is designed for those without previous knowledge of co-production or public and patient involvement, and is suitable for:

  • PhD students
  • Researchers in any domain
  • Analysts


Skills area and competencies

Skill area:

  • Problem definition and communication with stakeholders

Skill competencies:

  • Problem definition and communication with stakeholders
  • Relationship management


Learning outcomes

  1. Define Co-production and differentiate it from Patient and Public Engagement (PPE) and Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) using appropriate guidance for specific contexts.
  2. Critically assess different co-production strategies across different contexts and settings to identify features of robust co-production and gaps.
  3. Explain the principles and values of co-production using appropriate guidance (e.g. NIHR)  and how these could be applied in practice, with a focus on data linkage research.
  4. Understand how to approach co-production with different groups in practice, particularly vulnerable populations.
  5. Write a full and detailed co-production strategy; which incorporates co-production principles and values including milestones, resources and time frame whilst considering different contexts, settings and populations.


Transferrable skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Team working
  • Information technology
  • Planning and organisation
  • Communication
  • Facilitation



Day 1: Definitions, principles and values

  1. Co-production definitions, principles and values
  2. Differentiating Co-Production from PPI and PPE
  3. Introduction to Co-Production frameworks and toolkits
  4. Data linkage context and skills needed
  5. Task with members of the CPH ‘Patient and Public Involvement’ (PPI) group


Day 2:  Co-production across the research lifecycle

  1. When to start your co-production strategy?
  2. Pros and Cons of online and in-person involvement
  3. Stakeholder mapping and recruitment
  4. Creating purposeful partnerships
  5. Evaluating and monitoring activities and impact
  6. Reporting co-production strategy and outcomes



  • PhD student or Administrative Data Research Wales core-funded staff or SAIL Databank TRE users (UK and worldwide): £175.00 per delegate
  • Standard: £250.00 per delegate


£175.00 - PhD student or Administrative Data Research Wales core-funded staff or SAIL Databank TRE users (UK and worldwide): per delegate

£250.00 - Standard: per delegate

Website and registration:

Register for this course




Participatory Research, User engagement, Co-production, Public engagement, Data research

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Participatory Research
User engagement

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