An Introduction to Multilevel Modelling for Intersectionality Research: The MAIHDA Approach



Organised by:

Centre for Multilevel Modelling, University of Bristol and University of Sheffield


Professor George Leckie (University of Bristol) and Dr Andrew Bell (University of Sheffield)


Entry (no or almost no prior knowledge)


Lucy Haslam,


View in Google Maps  (BS8 1JA)


School of Education
The University of Bristol
Helen Wodehouse Building
35 Berkeley Square


An Introduction to Multilevel Modelling for Intersectionality Research: The MAIHDA Approach

Thursday 19th June 2025, In-Person at the School of Education, University of Bristol

Run in partnership with the University of SheffieldNCRM, and the ESRC.



Professor George Leckie (University of Bristol) and Dr Andrew Bell (University of Sheffield)



Multilevel models allow researchers to analyse data with a clustered structure—for example, pupils nested within schools or individuals within neighbourhoods. Recently, a variation of multilevel modelling has been developed to study intersectional inequalities in individual outcomes. The Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA) approach nests individuals within their intersectional strata—that is, their unique combination of sociodemographic identity categories, such as gender, age, ethnicity, and social class. This method holds great potential for uncovering and understanding intersectional inequalities, where multiple social identities interact in complex ways to shape societal (dis)advantages.

This free, one-day training course will provide a brief introduction to multilevel modelling, followed by an overview of the intersectional MAIHDA approach. The course will cover the basics of two-level random-intercept multilevel models, how to apply this model within the MAIHDA framework, key statistics generated by the approach, examples from the literature, and guidance on visualizing the results.



  1. Overview of multilevel modelling
  2. The two-level random-intercept model
  3. Intersectionality: theory and practice
  4. Ways of statistically identifying intersectional inequalities: dummy variables and interactions
  5. The MAIHDA approach
  6. Visualising results from MAIHDA
  7. Conceptual and practical challenges with MAIHDA
  8. Extensions of MAIHDA



The course will consist of a 2:1 mix of lectures and hands-on practical sessions applying the taught methods to real datasets. The instructors alternate the lecturing. The lectures are software independent. Each lecture is immediately followed by a software practical giving participants the chance to replicate the presented analyses and to consolidate their knowledge. The practicals are offered in participants’ choice of R or Stata and are self-directed: participants complete the practicals at their own pace. At the end of each practical session the instructors demo the different software.



Participants will be emailed in advance with comprehensive PDF copies of the lecture slides together with annotated syntax files and datasets for R and Stata.



We assume no prior knowledge of multilevel modelling. However, participants should be familiar with estimating and interpreting linear regression models, including the writing and interpretation of model equations, hypothesis testing and model selection, and the use and interpretation of dummy variables and interaction terms.


We will email in advance a pre-recorded lecture, to be completed at the participant’s leisure, which provides a review of linear regression accompanied with software instructions and datasets to replicate the analyses in R and Stata.


We assume you are already users of R or Stata and so have these software already installed and know the basics.


Participants might wish to have a look at our MAIHDA tutorial paper prior to attending, although it is not required: Evans, Leckie, Subramanian, Bell, Merlo (2024) A tutorial for conducting intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA). SSM-Population Health, online.


Practical information

The course will be held in-person at the School of Education, University of Bristol. Please bring your own laptop to work on, with software installed and updated. Catering (hot drinks and lunch) will be provided.



The course starts at 10:00 and ends at 17:00, with a one-hour break for lunch from 13:00 to 14:00.



The course is free – no payment is required.



If you would like to attend the workshop, please complete and submit the online booking form (see below). Please note the closing date for applications is 4th May 2025.

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis, once a week, until the application deadline. There are 24 places available – once we reach capacity, we will create a waiting list.

You will receive a confirmation of acceptance email if you are successful in gaining a place on the course.

If you have any queries, please email


Terms and conditions

Note that it is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that their laptop and their choice of R or Stata software is up-to-date and works on their computer in advance of the course, as the Centre for Multilevel Modelling is unable to provide technical support on the day.



Website and registration:

Register for this course


South West


Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis, Multilevel Modelling , Hierarchical models, Mixed models, Random effects, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Growth curve models

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis
Multilevel Modelling
Hierarchical models
Mixed models
Random effects
Longitudinal Data Analysis
Growth curve models

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