Introduction to Hospital Episode Statistics (NEW DATES) (join a waiting list)


24/04/2018 - 25/04/2018

Organised by:

University of Southampton/ADRC-E


Dr Pia Hardelid


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)



View in Google Maps  (SO17 1BJ)


Building 39
University of Southampton
Highfield Campus


Course number: ADRCE Training051 Hardelid


Course places are limited and registration by 17 April 2018 is strongly recommended.


Summary of Course

This course will provide participants with an understanding of how Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data are collected and coded, their structure, and how to clean and analyse HES data. A key focus will be on developing an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of HES data, how inconsistencies arise, and approaches to deal with these. Participants will also learn how to ensure individuals’ anonymity and confidentiality when analysing and publishing using HES. The course consists of a mixture of lectures and practicals for which participants will use Stata software to clean and analyse HES data.


Course Contents

The course covers:

  • HES data collection and coding
  • HES data structure
  • How to clean and manage HES data
  • How to ensure anonymity and confidentiality
  • How to carry out basic analyses using HES data
  • Sources of variation in HES data
  • How to apply for HES data


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course participants will:

  • To understand how and why HES data are collected
  • To become aware of the strength and weaknesses of using HES data for research
  • To learn how to carry out basic cleaning, management and analysis tasks using HES data
  • To learn how to ensure anonymity and confidentiality when using HES


Computer Software and Computer workshops:

This is a computer lab based course.



Dr Pia Hardelid

Pia is senior research associate and NIHR research fellow at the Institute of Child Health and in the Department of Primary Care and Population Health at University College London. Her research interests are in the use of administrative databases, including hospital, intensive and primary care databases for child health research and infectious disease surveillance. Her particular research focus is on the epidemiology of respiratory tract infections, chronic conditions and mortality in childhood. She has many years’ experience in using HES data for research. She holds a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology from University College London.

Other speakers from UCL and LSHTM TBC


Target Audience

Researchers at all levels in academia, government and private sector at all levels who are using/planning to use Hospital Episode Statistics in their work.



Participants will write and execute programmes in Stata during the practical sessions. Previous experience of programming in Stata, R or SAS will therefore be helpful, but Stata code and instructions will be provided to all participants. There are no pre-requisites for the lectures.


Programme (subject to change)

This course is now a 1.5 day course.


Day 1

9.30-10.00 Registration and computer set up (with coffee)

10.00-10.15 Welcome and introductions, learning objectives

10.15-11.30 Lecture 1: What is HES? What can HES data be used for?

11.30-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-12.45 Lecture 2: Structure of HES and planning analyses

12.45 -13.30 Lunch

13.30- 15.30 Practical 1: HES data structure, linking episodes and admissions

(Including coffee at 14.30)

15.30-16.15 Lecture 3: Introduction to coding in HE


Day 2 (half day)

9.00-9.30 Lecture 4: Analysing HES Accident and Emergency and Outpatient datasets – Dr Linda Wijlaars, Research Associate, ADRC-E/UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health & the Farr Institute

9.30-11.00 Practical 2: Working with HES coding (including coffee at 10.30)

11.00-11.45 Lecture 5: Applying for access to HES data, ethical considerations and disclosure control- Linda Wijlaars

11.45-12.45 International comparisons using HES and using hospital databases from other UK countries

12.45-13.00 Concluding remarks


Course Materials

Participants will receive written course notes.



Podcasts for some of our previous courses can be found at


Our courses are very popular and are often oversubscribed. If you cannot attend a course you have registered for, it is essential to kindly notify us a minimum of 30 days in advance so that your place can be released for another attendee. Details of our cancellation policy are here: . Please see our full course list here:


The fee per day is:

1. £30 - For UK registered postgraduate students
2. £60 - For staff at UK academic institutions, Research Council UK funded researchers, UK public sector staff and staff at UK registered charity organisations
3. £220 - For all other participants
4. Free Place for ADRC/ADRN/ADS staff

All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.

Website and registration:

Register for this course


South East


Secondary Analysis, Analysis of official statistics, Analysis of administrative data, Data Quality and Data Management (other), Longitudinal Data Analysis, HES

Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:

Secondary Analysis
Analysis of official statistics
Analysis of administrative data
Data Quality and Data Management (other)
Longitudinal Data Analysis

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