Introduction to programming workshop (few places remaining)
09/04/2018 - 10/04/2018
Organised by:
The University of Manchester & UKDS
Mr Peter Smyth
Intermediate (some prior knowledge)
Claire Spencer, 0161 275 4579,
This workshop is co-sponsored by the UK Data Service
There is more to programming than simply writing lines of code. This workshop will provide you with a basic set of skills which are aimed at making the coding process more effective, less error prone and more maintainable.
This workshop is intended for researchers who are looking to obtain a basic understanding of the approach to be taken when designing a program as well as actually writing small programs to solve specific problems. This course will be of interest to those who may have previous experience with writing SPSS or Stata code but with no formal training in programming.
This workshop will provide an overview of:
Day 1 : 10:00 - 17:00
- Specifying the problem to be solved
- Creating flowcharts and pseudo-code
- Program documentation
- Basic Python coding constructs
- Minimal introduction to object oriented programming
- Processing data from files
Day 2: 9:30 - 16:30
- Testing and debugging
- Creating functions and using parameters
- Running programs from the command line
- Introduction to the Pandas and Matplotlib Python packages.
- Creating and running complete programs
The format of the workshop will be a mixture of PowerPoint presentations and hands-on practical exercises using the Python programming language and open source datasets.
• £30 per day for UK/EU registered students
• £60 per day for staff at UK/EU academic institutions, UK/EU Research Councils researchers, UK/EU public sector staff and staff at UK/EU registered charity organisations and recognised UK/EU research institutions.
• £220 per day for all other participants.
Website and registration:
Greater London
ICT and Software, Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination, Matplotlib Python
Related publications and presentations from our eprints archive:
ICT and Software
Research Skills, Communication and Dissemination