Teaching how to analyse large volumes of secondary qualitative data: Pedagogy for Big Qual Methods



Organised by:



Prof Melanie Nind,
Prof Lynn Jamieson,
Dr Kahryn Hughes,
Dr Sarah Lewthwaite,
Prof Rosalind Edwards,
Dr Susie Weller.


Intermediate (some prior knowledge)


Dr Sarah Lewthwaite, s.e.lewthwaite@soton.ac.uk, 023 8059 2623.


View in Google Maps  (N1 9RL)


National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
Society Building,
8 All Saints Street,


Join us for an exciting workshop that will develop your research methods teaching knowledge and skills, and explore the teaching and learning challenges that are specific to working with qualitative data at scale.

Working with qualitative secondary data is a growing research skills requirement supported by UKRI.  In this session, discover cutting-edge pedagogic analyses with applications across the teaching of archival research, social media research, secondary analytic practice and other research arenas in which large amounts of diverse qualitative data must be brought together and analysed.

This day course provides evidence-based foundations for developing your own pedagogic approach. Drawing together research from the Pedagogy of Methodological Learning project and new teaching practices for innovative Breadth and Depth methods – methods that bring together multiple sets of data from different sources - you will explore approaches to teaching and learning, and how these can be applied for students and professional learners who are seeking to bring together assemblages of qualitative data at scale. Through talks, activities and discussion with researchers and experts from the National Centre for Research Methods and Timescapes Archive this collaborative workshop will identify the potentials and pitfalls of developing pedagogy and methodology together. It will be of particular relevance to methods teachers who teach secondary data analysis, social media methods, archival research and Big Qual methods.

This workshop will be an opportunity to come together to engage with the research into methods teaching and to engage and develop teaching approaches to meet the demands of working with large-scale secondary, archival datasets from a qualitative viewpoint.

The workshop is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of a package of research by the National Centre for Research Methods.


Free to attend.

Website and registration:


Greater London


Teaching and Supervising Research Methods, Pedagogy , Secondary data analysis , Big Qual analysis , Archival research

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Teaching and Supervising Research Methods

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