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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

ADR UK invites your ideas on training needs

Administrative Data Research UK (ADR UK) is looking at ways to help more researchers across all academic stages understand and use administrative data. The initiative is …

How we created new research ethics resources that are freely available online

At the end of October 2021, I finished working on a European Commission (EC) research ethics project. The project was called PRO-RES, short for "Promoting integrity …

Why ethnography?

Ethnography, or participant observation, is a field-based practice based on sharing in our interlocutors’ everyday life with the aim of understanding the world from their perspective. …

Questionnaire design: avoiding the pitfalls in web survey software

The research community is currently fortunate to have a large number of high-quality web survey software packages. For example, Capterra (sourced 19 December 2021), shows …

The (non-)probability survey debate explained

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned a lot about how the global spread of the virus has impacted people’s lives. Surveys have …

How can we measure health inequality?

Economists (and more broadly social scientists) are increasingly focused on the measurement and causes of inequality in health. Health inequality has many sources, not all of …

Four key methods for evaluating policy impact

It has often been said that COVID-19 has made amateur epidemiologists of us all, and perhaps less often, amateur behavioural scientists and economists too. As society has …

Multilevel modelling: what we’ve learnt from our research

In many practical situations when it comes to modelling data through a simple linear regression, we may have the scenario where observations are somehow similar, correlated …