Methods News

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Methods News aims to cover methodological developments in the social sciences and beyond, across all disciplines and sectors. Our articles include news stories from NCRM and its partners, plus updates and features from external organisations and individuals.

Call for proposals: The International Journal of Research & Method in Education

The International Journal of Research & Method in Education is seeking proposals for guest editors for a special issue of the Journal on the theme of …

NCRM Director Professor Patrick Sturgis interviewed at the Daily Politics show

NCRM Director Patrick Sturgis was interviewed at the Daily Politics show (see from 32mins 20secs) on Friday 19 June about the General Election 2015 …

Call for applications: NCRM International Visitor Exchange Scheme (IVES)

The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) is pleased to invite applications for the first round of its International Visitor Exchange Scheme (IVES). IVES is aimed …

ESRC PhD studentship at NCRM awarded to Debbie Collins

We are pleased to announce that our ESRC PhD studentship has been awarded to Debbie Collins, who will be joining our team, in October 2015, to …

NCRM Director Professor Patrick Sturgis to chair a review of the election polls

The final opinion polls before the election were clearly not as accurate as we would like, and the fact that all the pollsters underestimated the Conservative …

Professor David Martin receives top honour from Royal Geographical Society

David Martin, Professor of Geography at the University of Southampton and NCRM Co-Director, is to be awarded the prestigious Back Award (2015) by the Royal …

PhD studentship at NCRM: Quantitative Research Methods

We are seeking applications for a PhD studentship that will fit within the NCRM research programme. This studentship will be supported by NCRM and located …

Updating the NCRM typology of social science research methods

Article by Rebekah Luff, Dorothy Byatt and David Martin, NCRM, University of Southampton (MethodsNews Spring 2015) Back in 2004, soon after the inception of the NCRM, a need …