Researcher Development Initiative (RDI), 2005 - 2010
The Researcher Development Initiative (RDI) supported the training and development of researchers in the social sciences at all stages of their career. RDI was established by the ESRC’s Training and Development Board to contribute to the development of a robust national training infrastructure, which was intended to develop research training in a systematic way. RDI programme was coordinated by Professor Mike Wallace from Cardiff University.
RDI projects were funded in four rounds during 2005-2012. Projects included events,
training and development of new web resources for training. Some of the RDI web resources are maintained by ReStore project at
NCRM and may be accessed directly by clicking on the icons below.
Round 1 projects (2005) |
Round 2 projects (2006) |
Round 3 projects (2007) |
Round 4 projects (2010) |