Researcher Development Initiative (RDI), 2005 - 2010
Advanced Research Training for Scottish Postgraduate Human Geographers (Kindrogan Consortium)
01/03/07 - 31/12/09
This four-day residential course at the Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, provided advanced research training for Scottish postgraduates in human geography between 2007 and 2009, beyond that received in individual departments. Adhering to ESRC guidelines, the programme evolved over three years in response to different cohorts of students and the need to ensure progression within the course from Years 2 to 3. The organisers undertook prior evaluation of specific student needs before the events, and the schedule was framed accordingly. Students were invited to suggest session themes for inclusion in the programme, through departmental postgraduate coordinators. This flexibility meant that course organisers were able to respond to ongoing ESRC guidelines for postgraduate training. Overarching all individual sessions in the programme was an understanding of the research process based on a ‘three-stage’ model: conceptual frameworks; methodological matters; and operational issues. By organising thematic sessions under these headings, the organisers ensured that a balanced and challenging final programme was produced. Styles of delivery included: international and national guest lectures, attending to particular, pan- and trans-disciplinary concerns; staff-introduced sessions leading to 'break out' discussions on specialist topics; small group workshops with a member of staff to organise, contribute and facilitate discussion; student-led workshops that staff do not attend, e.g. on supervision issues; conference-style presentations given by all participating students, in themed sessions; considering research scenarios and role-playing (e.g. viva voce). The residential environment facilitated a concentrated period of learning and provided a convivial environment whereby students could develop an important sense of academic community.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Edward Hall, University of Dundee
Co-Investigator: Dr. Nina Morris, University of Edinburgh
Contact Details
Dr. Edward Hall,
University of Dundee
Tel: 01382 388073