Researcher Development Initiative (RDI), 2005 - 2010
Building Capacity for Business Engagement with Impact
01/04/11 – 31/03/13
The purpose of this programme of activities is to build capacity for ‘engaged’ business research: conducting, supervising and managing the development of research that engages critically and constructively with key stakeholders, in order to foster co-production of knowledge and high practical impact. The programme is supported by the ESRC/EPSRC Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) and the British Academy of Management. The programme comprises:
- A conference involving academics and other stakeholder representatives, to raise awareness about progress in the UK with developing engaged business research for high impact.
- A series of three workshops for research students, on conducting small-scale engaged business research.
- A parallel series of three workshops for early and mid career researchers, on conducting such research on a larger-scale.
- A ‘training trainers’ workshop for senior academics with management responsibility for research training programmes and staff development, on developing institution-wide engaged business research capacity.
- A ‘training trainers’ workshop for senior academics with responsibility for teaching programmes, on incorporating engaged business research into the institutional curriculum for research-led teaching.
- A final conference to review progress and identify prospects for the further development of institutional capacity for engaged business research.
Principal Investigator: Professor Mike Wallace, Cardiff University
Co-Investigators: Professor Richard Thorpe, University of Leeds,
Dr Paul Ellwood, University of Leeds
Contact Details
Professor Mike Wallace, Cardiff University
Tel: 029 20 875848