Researcher Development Initiative (RDI), 2005 - 2010
Further Development of Research Skills of Mid-Career Social Work Academics: Supportive Learning Sets, Mixed Methodologies and Research Placements
This project is a continuation of our RDI Round 3 award. Academic and doctoral student participants will have the opportunity to attend all the core events: an initial meeting on accessing existing resources; expert workshops providing advanced training in experimental design, evaluative methodology and user engagement, and qualitative methods; and a final conference.
Alongside will be three further strands of activity through which participants in core events may enhance their learning: through action learning sets developing research proposals; a residential writing summer school; and the option of research placements working on a current externally funded research project. Participants engaging in these strands will be invited to submit papers and present their research proposals at the final conference core event.
In addition, an interactive on-line resource will be created, based on the core events and the final conference. It will be available for use in teaching research methodology.
Principal Investigator: Professor Lynn McDonald, Middlesex University
Contact Details
Professor Lynn McDonald,
Middlesex University
Tel: 020 8411 5555