Researcher Development Initiative (RDI), 2005 - 2010

Tools and Training for Analysis of Multilevel Data with Missing Observations

01/10/05 - 30/09/07


In line with its title, this project aimed to proved tools and training for researchers faced with the analysis of multilevel (i.e. clustered) datasets with missing data. We set out to do this by


  1. Developing our software (a suite of macros for the MLwiN package) for the analysis of partially observed data sets with multilevel structure.
  2. Delivering a ‘Flexible Training Package’ for the analysis of partially observed data sets, with components aimed at researchers across the career spectrum.
  3. Enhancing the content, profile and functionality of our website, as a training resource and research forum.


Principal Investigator: Professor Michael Kenward, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Co-Investigators: Dr James Carpenter, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,

Professor Harvey Goldstein, University of Bristol

Contact Details

Professor Michael Kenward, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Tel: 0207 927 2472