NCRM videos

SDC-Net final meeting: Decisions, decisions, decisions – survey commissioning in a multi-source, multi-mode world

Mike Daly, Michael Dale, Ally McAlpine, Martina Portanti, Andrew Spiers, Gabriele Durrant, Olga Maslovskaya


This video is a recording of the final meeting of the Survey Data Collection Network, which took place online on 22 March 2023. The event began with presentations from a panel of experts, who then answered questions from the audience. The panel members were: Mike Daly (Department for Work and Pensions); Michael Dale (Department for Education); Ally McAlpine (Scottish Government); Martina Portanti (Office for National Statistics); Andrew Spiers (Sport England). The speakers discussed how survey commissioners need to consider various trade-offs with regard to cost, accuracy, timeliness, inclusivity, granularity and other issues when deciding on the design of a survey, but also the use of ‘new’ technologies and alternative data sources alongside or instead of surveys. Panel members also explored what information survey commissioners need from suppliers, researchers and/or methodologists to be able to make informed decisions about the commissioning and design of surveys. The panel discussion was chaired by Gerry Nicolaas, Director of the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen).