NCRM videos

Tugba Aydin Ozturk: Insider as a Social Scientist in Netnographic Research


Tugba Aydin Ozturk presents at methods@manchester Methods Fair 2018. Abstract: Netnography research method has been used in the online world and is necessary to understand the social life of the digital age. This term was founded by Robert Kozinets after the revolution of the internet and more generally the digital world. Researching, collecting data and participating in digital worlds creates a chance for social scientists to observe and be a member of the field themselves. This study is about the musician, employer/employees of entertainment industry and audience behaviour in the digital age. It explores the relationships between them in terms of social capital principles such as trust, socialisation and reciprocity. An online survey was distributed to 200 audiences to understand their user habits on social media. I am also a musician with 3,000 social media followers and I have collected further data from my own fan page to compare the results. In this presentation, I reflect on my researcher insider status.