A view of Edinburgh, ScotlandEdinburgh, Scotland

NCRM summer school: Large and Complex Social Surveys – New Horizons

NCRM’s 2024 summer school took place at the University of Edinburgh between 26 and 28 June. The free event provided training on the use of new and existing survey data in social science research.

The theme of the summer school was how survey-based social research can inform the development of policy, practices and service provision, and shape legislation. NCRM covered costs for accommodation, meals and refreshments.


Recent advances in computing and information technology have expanded the horizons of survey data collection, survey data management and survey data analysis.

This summer school focused on the emerging opportunities that survey resources offer for social science researchers. A unique element of the event was the showcasing of Scottish datasets.

View the full programme


The event took place at Pollock Halls at the University of Edinburgh.

Find out more about the venue

Further information

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Marshall: l.marshall@ed.ac.uk